Version: VinaGet 2.7.1 Final(By LaZEnEs)
Code LeechViet by VinhNhaTrang
Developed by ..:: [H] ::.., [FZ]
*What has been Added to the System?
- Class.php Re-coded and Optimized.
- Fix And Updated some Plugins.
- Announcement Area Added Control Panel.
- Added Debrid Plugin Support.
- Added Bootstrap New Skin.
- Added Multiple Link Shortener sites Api (Step1,step2).
*Which plugins have been added and updated?
- UptoBOX.com Plugin Fixed
- Turbobit.net Plugin Fixed
- datoid.cz Plugin Add
- ulozto.net Plugin Add
- file.al Plugin Add
- exload.com Plugin Add
- TakeFile.link Plugin Add
- (Debrid) Linkifier.com Plugin Add
System Admin Password is "admin"
System login Password is "turkteam"
CHMOD Settings:
CHMOD the folder "data" to 777
CHMOD file "data/account.dat" to 666.
CHMOD file "data/config.dat" to 666.
CHMOD file "data/cookie.dat" to 666.
CHMOD file "data/online.dat" to 666.
CHMOD file "data/log.txt" to 666.
Basic Features:
Admin Panel
Proxy Support
Easy to get multi link and make list in one go.
Fast download speed with vinaget script.
Support downloads from more than 30 filehost
Use Rewrite URL
Make plugin independent of release (easy fix and update plugin)
enable/disable all user can see list files.
enable/disable other people can see your file in the list files
enable/disable other people can download your file.
enable/disable all user can use check account.
enable/disable show link for cbox
enable/disable check link 3x,porn...
Multi password login
Limit file size
link checker
3x, porn checker
Account checker
Donate Account
Account Management
Cookie Management
Limit load file for 1 IP
Limit file per mins
Limit load file per time
Auto del file per time
Max total jobs in this host
Max server load (linux)